If you’ve previously run Facebook ads, or have watched some of the content to learn to do so, you may know about the 20% rule. If you don’t, here is what it is; many people recommend to bump your budgets by 20% a day in order to scale your ads without ruining or reseting the optimization.
This isn’t broscience as there’s a “last significant edit” column in the ads manager and any bump in budget greater than 50% triggers the last significant edit and resets the optimization. This is even more trouble-some for CBOs which you often really want to scale as they have several ad-sets and audiences that are ready for larger budgets after you’ve proven your original thesis.
Alex from GetNotissed has worked a simple work around for CBO scaling which seems to work in most cases and I’ll explain that in a bit. The 20-50% budget raise without triggering reset is a guideline given directly by Facebook. However, the fact that we associated a time-window with it was how we perceived that guideline. In other words, you can do multiple 20% raises each second to reach your desired budget in a minute instead of doing 20% raise/day.
So you can go from spending $100 per day per CBO to $500 per day per CBO, without triggering a reset, in 1 minute instead of 9 days as long as you do multiple edits of 20% each. Be sure not to directly raise your budget from $100 to $500 which obviously will trigger the reset.
In my personal test, the theory worked great but I’d still not advise making extreme budget raises using the 20% per second rule.