
How To Get Luckier

I hear a lot of people say that successful people got lucky. I think everyone needs a bit of a luck on their side to accomplish something great no matter how worthy they are of their success. So in a way, I don’t disagree with those who believe it was luck. Except that, many people believe that it was only luck, which of course I completely disagree with.

Luck is a game of chance. Getting lucky is having favorable conditions on your side. However, I think there’s a simple way to increase your chances of getting luckier.

Since luck becomes favorable out of randomness, if you worked everyday to improve your business or yourself, the randomness will eventually be in your favor. Since you’re missing no chance of trying to be lucky, the luck will eventually find you.

I can look back at hundreds of good things that happened to me, where I got extremely lucky, but only because I was trying.

And so if you want to be more lucky, you have to stay consistent and work everyday.

Leaving Your Own Business

There was an occasion when I had to move on and leave a large amount of money behind. I had to leave a business that I co-founded. I can’t say it makes me happy about it. But I will say staying back would have made me unhappier.

It’s a challenge where you choose an option that makes you as little unhappy as possible. And certainly, it isn’t an easy challenge. But I believe with all my head and heart, despite feeling otherwise sometimes, that moving on was the right decision.

I made my decision with the following in my mind

“If you can’t see yourself working with someone for life, don’t work with them for a day.”

Naval Ravikant

Yesterday, I spoke to another founder who made a similar decision a few years ago. He left 7-figures on the table to move on for personal happiness. In the end life is a pursuit of happiness. Money is nice, but it’s not always the answer, especially after you have enough of it.

The Thing About ‘Zero’

I’ll be honest. This isn’t my thought. It’s something I read somewhere and I couldn’t agree more.

The thing about zero is that it makes you imagine. You can think of all the possibilities. If your startup is doing ‘zero’ dollars in revenue, you can sell dreams to investors. But if it’s doing $1000 or $2000 or $5000 a month in revenue, the investors are going to see, assess and project you based on those numbers.

And so in a way, if you’re seeking to raise investment, zero can be better than doing a small amount of revenue. Which is unfair, right? But that’s the thing about ‘zero’. And it’s also why sometimes you see companies doing ‘zero’ raising arbitrarily wild amount of investments.