Stocks are often misunderstood, especially in Pakistan. I haven’t met many people who are comfortable investing in them. Stocks make Pakistanis so uncomfortable that less than 1% Pakistanis invest in stocks compared to over 50% Americans.
Personally, I also never understood stocks until recently when I realized how easily Americans are pouring in part of their earnings every month in stocks without having to pick and choose, re-balance, trade etc. They would simply build what is known as a “Lazy Portfolio”.
Lazy portfolio generally comprises of 2-3 funds. But it can even have as little as 1.
There are 2 reasons in my opinion why this kind of investment works.
Firstly, you pay close to nothing in management fee. Such funds have low operating costs as there is no human intervention and the fund only tracks a particular index such as the S&P500 Index. You buy one fund, and your money goes into 500 largest publicly traded US companies automatically in the same ratio as their market capitalization.
Secondly, since you’re not picking stocks yourself, you’re not exposed to the risk of each individual company. Instead your only bet is that collectively largest 500 publicly traded US companies will be larger in size tomorrow than they were yesterday.
To learn, what basket options you can buy, check out this. To learn more about investing in stocks, read this and this.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. To the maximum extent permitted by law, I disclaim any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses.