I just concluded an A/B test that I ran simply out of curiosity. I first created a total of 10 campaigns targeting different things and having different creatives. I then created identical copies of these 10 campaigns.
In summary, I had 20 CBO campaigns divided into group A and group B. I created 2 brand new Facebook pages; one for group A and the second one for group B. The only difference between group A and group B was that the page names from which the ads ran were different. The adsets, targeting, creatives and everything else was 100% identical. On these 2 different pages I even uploaded identical display pictures and content.
The results came out to be very shocking for me. I use the word shocking because the price per result wasn’t slightly higher on one page than the other. It was more than 100% higher which means if CPA was $10 on 1 page, it was $25 on the other page.
The takeaway is that Facebook page name has a massive role in your over-all ad performance and cost per result.
So which page name cost Low CPA? branded like store name or general?
Generalized name had lower conversion.