
The 1/2 Rule For E-Commerce Metrics

Although there’s no standard for e-commerce metrics, you should still aim to hit certain floors for your metrics in order for you to have a working funnel. I call this a 1/2 rule.

When a user lands on your product page, you need to track the progress between the different steps he needs to go through. A large or unexpected drop at any step should make you want to investigate that particular step of the funnel.

After landing on the product page or landing page, the user may have to add the product to cart. After adding the product to cart, user would land on the cart page. At this point, user would need to initiate check-out to land on the check out page. The user then needs to input his shipping and billing info in order to place the order.

While what percentage of users reach on each of these pages will largely vary depending on the type of products, price of products and the source of traffic, for typical dropshipping stores selling products between $20-$100 I recommend to at least watch out for the 1/2 rule.

The 1/2 rule suggests that if 20 people added the product to cart, at least 1/2 of them should initiate check-out which should lead 10 users to the check out page. And if 10 made it to the check-out page, at least 1/2 of them should purchase giving you 5 purchases in the end.

Landing page optimization is very important and I recommend that you use heatmaps to optimize your funnels. If you get your advertising, creatives and product selection right, but there’s a problem with your landing page, cart page or check out page, you’ll end up wasting all your efforts.

After all a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link.

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